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Video Karaoke Liedje Easy as Life - Aida (musical)

Deze opname is een cover van Easy as Life beroemd gemaakt door Aida (musical)

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Het bestandsformaat CDG (ook wel genoemd CD+G or MP3+G) is geschikt voor de meeste karaokemachines. Het bevat een MP3-bestand plus de gesynchroniseerde tekst (Karaoke Versie verkoopt geen cd's, maar uitsluitend de digitale bestanden).

Het is mogelijk om zomaar MP4 bestanden op MAC OS X en Windows7 bij default af te spelen.
Als u Windows XP of Vista gebruikt, moet u gebruik maken van Windows Media Player 12.

Dit bestandsformaat is geschikt voor KaraFun Windows Player, gratis karaokesoftware. Daarmee kune je de achtergrondzang of de hoofdzang aan of uit zetten of de toonhoogte of het tempo bepalen.

Je aankoop maakt het mogelijk de video in alle formaten te downloaden zo vaak je wilt.


Tempo: varieert tijdens het nummer

Op dezelfde toonhoogte als het origineel: Cm

Tijdsduur: 04:11 - Preview aan: 01:17

Release datum: 1999
Genres: Musicals & Broadway, Engels
Originele schrijver: Tim Rice, Elton John

Alle inhoud op onze website wordt volledig gereproduceerd door onze muzikanten in de studio. We gebruiken geen delen van de originele opnamen en maken op geen enkele manier gebruik van AI-stemscheidingstechnologie.

Lyrics Easy as Life

This is the moment when the gods expect me
To beg for help but I won't even try
I want nothing in this world but myself to protect me
And I won't lie down roll over and die
All I have to do is forget how much I love him
All I have to do is put my longing to one side
Tell myself that love's an ever-changing situation
Passion would have cooled and all the magic would have died
It's easy it's easy
All I have to do is pretend
I never knew him
On those very rare occasions when he steals into my heart
Better to have lost him when the ties were barely binding
Better the contempt of the familiar cannot start
It's easy it's easy
Until I think about him as he was when I last touched him
And how he would have been were I to be with him today
Those very rare occasions don't let up they keep on coming
And all I ever wanted and I'm throwing it away
It's easy it's easy as life
But then I see the faces of a worn defeated people
A father and a nation who won't let a coward run
Is this how the gods reward the faithful through the ages?
Forcing us to prove that the hardest things we've done
They're easy so easy
And though I'll think about him till the earth draws in around of me
And though I choose to leave him for another kind of love
This is no denial no betrayal but redemption
Redeemed in my own eyes and in the pantheon above
It's easy
It's easy as life
It's easy as life
It's easy as life

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